I am a third generation Entrepreneur, Rotarian, Waterfed proponent and manufacturer, resident of Cedar Rapids, Iowa USA... I am a husband, father, brother, son, neighbor, Realtor® and Property Manager who resides in the Indian Creek Hills subdivision of our community. We are part of the Cedar Rapids community: Live, Work, Learn and Play. We are interested in networking, friendship, business, service and sport. Welcome to my blog and personal journal ...

Monday, June 28, 2010

The NWYC R&P Report for Monday, June 28, 2010 ...

Vol. 14 No. 2-20
Monday, June 28, 2010


Banking Industry Overhaul Legislation: House and Senate negotiators made slow progress last week toward finalizing the bill that would amount to the most significant rewrite of the nation’s financial laws in decades. The deadlock centered on two key provisions of the legislation: a new framework for derivatives regulation and a proposed ban on proprietary trading by banks. (H.R.4173)

Iran Sanctions: The House and Senate adopted a conference report that would penalize foreign companies for doing business with Tehran. (H.R.2194)

Tax Extenders: Senate Democrats’ months-long effort to pass a package of tax cut extensions and unemployment benefits collapsed last week amid partisan disagreements. The measure had been a core component of the Obama administration’s economic recovery agenda. It is not expected to be brought to the floor in the near future. (H.R.4213)

Campaign Disclosure Bill: The House narrowly passed a White House-backed campaign finance disclosure bill by a margin of only 13 votes. In the Senate, Republicans have pledged an all-out fight against the measure that would exempt large nonprofit organizations from some reporting requirements. (H.R.5175)

Senate Panel Backs TSA Nominee: A Senate panel backed the nomination of President Obama’s latest pick to head the Transportation Security Administration. Senate confirmation is expected for John Pistole to fill the seat that has been vacant for several months.

Aid for Nuclear Plants: A disagreement about federal aid for new nuclear power plants triggered the June 23 postponement of a markup of the fiscal 2011 Energy-Water spending bill. The bill did not include $36 billion in nuclear plant loan guarantees requested by President Obama for the fiscal 2011 budget.

Cybersecurity Measure: A Senate panel approved legislation that would establish an executive office to create a plan to combat terrorism attacks that target the nation’s cyber infrastructure. (


Oil Spill Restitution: A Senate committee approved a measure that would increase penalties for environmental crimes and require compensation to its victims. The bill aims to help residents of the Gulf Coast oil spill, who are facing the loss of their livelihood. It is expected to be brought to the floor in the coming months.(S.3466) For more information and to express your opinion on this issue, go to www.nwyc.com.

War Spending and Withdrawal: Anti-war lawmakers who object to the Obama administration’s strategy in Afghanistan are hoping to force policy changes this week when a fiscal 2010 supplemental war spending bill is expected to come to the House floor. The House is asked to vote on $33.5 billion in supplemental spending for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Lawmakers are seeking the administration’s assurance that President Obama is committed to beginning the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan in July 2011, depending on conditions in that country. (H.R.4899)

Energy Bill: Democratic lawmakers are still pledging to pass energy legislation this year, though they have reported little headway on the central question of whether to include broad climate change provisions in their bill. (S.2877)

The Week Ahead: Next week, as lawmakers prepare for the upcoming July Fourth recess, the House is will take up a war spending bill while the Senate is expected to consider a small-business jobs package. Both chambers are also scheduled to consider the conference report for a financial regulatory overhaul bill.

Mrs. Barbara Grassley campaigns in Ottumwa
‎ - KTVO
Dr. Mariannette Miller-Meeks made a campaign stop in Ottumwa on Friday morning ... The Iowa Republican State Convention began on Friday night in Des Moines ...
"She's very strong on the defense of our country and our
liberties. That is what it is. It is about defending our liberties,"
Mrs. Barbara Grassley
A similar event was held Thursday night for Mrs. Grassley and Dr. Mariannette Miller-Meeks in Cedar Rapids. The event was held at the home of Steve and Connie Armstrong and was well attended.

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