I am a third generation Entrepreneur, Rotarian, Waterfed proponent and manufacturer, resident of Cedar Rapids, Iowa USA... I am a husband, father, brother, son, neighbor, Realtor® and Property Manager who resides in the Indian Creek Hills subdivision of our community. We are part of the Cedar Rapids community: Live, Work, Learn and Play. We are interested in networking, friendship, business, service and sport. Welcome to my blog and personal journal ...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Thank you to all who volunteered and supported Miller-Meeks for Congress in the Primary Election ...

On behalf of Miller-Meeks for Congress in Linn County, we want to personally thank those who supported Mariannette in winning the Republican nomination for Iowa's 2Nd Congressional District on Tuesday. The following e-mail was sent this morning from our wonderful campaign manager, Tracie. We appreciated every one's hard work and time!

Hello Team Miller-Meeks!

Wow! What a night! Last night your months of hard work and faith paid off--Mariannette is our Republican nominee for Iowa's 2nd Congressional District!

With 100% of precincts reporting, Mariannette took 50.7% of the vote, over double the total votes received by her nearest opponent. She won 14 of 15 counties with the icing on the cake being she won in Linn County, the home of the other 3 candidates! If you'd like to see how Mariannette did in your county, click

I hope you are all very proud of yourselves and YOUR victory--every single one of
you won last night when your work for Mariannette came to fruition. We
should be excited and continue to conduct ourselves in the ethical and honorable
way we have thus far, and welcome our opponents' supporters into our efforts so
that we can send Loebsack back to Mt Vernon November 2. It's going to take
every single one of us to do it, and then some, but I'm confident that
Mariannette and Team Miller-Meeks have what it takes to do it!

In the coming days, we will be mapping out our strategy for the general election
campaign. You will all be an integral part of that effort, so please take
these days to rest up so we can hit the ground running! First, though, we
must CELEBRATE! Join us tonight at the Hotel Ottumwa from 6-8 p.m. for a
party honoring YOU and our other supporters for the time, talents, and money
that have been contributed to Team Miller-Meeks. Details are:

Supporter Appreciation Party
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
6-8 p.m.
Hotel Ottumwa
107 E. Second Street
Ottumwa, IA

As always, I am available for questions/comments, etc.

With heartfelt gratitude,


-- Tracie Gibler

Campaign Manager
Miller-Meeks for Congress
Phone: 641-777-4251

We would appreciate your support in the November 2Nd general election in the State of Iowa for the 2Nd Congressional District. Please feel free to contact the TEAM here in Linn County or Tracie with Team Miller-Meeks throughout the District!

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