I am a third generation Entrepreneur, Rotarian, Waterfed proponent and manufacturer, resident of Cedar Rapids, Iowa USA... I am a husband, father, brother, son, neighbor, Realtor® and Property Manager who resides in the Indian Creek Hills subdivision of our community. We are part of the Cedar Rapids community: Live, Work, Learn and Play. We are interested in networking, friendship, business, service and sport. Welcome to my blog and personal journal ...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The R&P Report for the week of June 6, 2010...

Getting back into the work flow for the shorter week, after the Independence Day holiday. We received a letter and supporting documentation from Senator Charles E. Grassley on TARP and our concerns over the budget deficits and government spending. It was nice to hear from our Senator about our concerns.

Here's this week's R&P Report from http://www.nwyc.com/

Vol. 14 No. 2-21
Tuesday, July 06, 2010


Unemployment Benefits: The House backed legislation by a vote of 270-153 last week that would revive expired unemployment benefits. The Senate is expected to pick it up when they return from July recess. (H.R.5618)

Immigration Reform Waffling: Lawmakers in the Senate are not expected to introduce an immigration overhaul until they have bipartisan support for the measure, despite President Obama’s recent urging of Congress to address the issue. Democratic party leaders stated they cannot pass a bill without Republican backing.

War Spending Bill Delayed: The House adopted a key amendment to the Senate-passed supplemental war spending bill last week. Democratic leaders put off enactment of the measure hoping that the Senate will agree to add domestic funding. The House package includes a $10 billion provision to help school districts avoid educator layoffs, along with $80 billion to pay for additional troops. (H.R.4899)

Financial Overhaul Legislation: Senate Democrats moved closer last week to securing the 60 votes necessary to approve financial regulatory overhaul legislation and send the bill to the President. It would create a new consumer protection agency and expand powers of the Federal Reserve. (H.R.4173)

Kagan Nomination and Gun Rights: The National Rifle Association announced its opposition to Elena Kagan’s nomination to the Supreme Court while the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence announced its endorsement of President Obama’s nominee.

Biosecurity Funding: House Democrats have proposed using biosecurity money to offset the cost of student aid provisions in the fiscal 2010 supplemental spending bill. This action drew fire from Republican lawmakers and a number of industry groups, which contend that the move will endanger national security. (H.R.4899)

Rig Explosion Compensation: The House passed a bill aimed at making it easier for victims of the Gulf oil rig explosion to be compensated for injuries and loss of life. The measure passed by voice vote, despite GOP objections about the scope of the bill. (

$795 Million to Broadband Internet: President Obama is scheduled to announce dozens of new grants to help bring broadband Internet service across the country, as provided for under last year’s economic stimulus law. (H.R.4213)


Airline Food Violations: Lawmakers are preparing legislation that would seek larger fines for airline catering companies with poor sanitation records. It will press federal regulators to ban the worst offenders from operating at U.S. airports altogether. The measure would raise fines from the current $1,000 per violation to $50,000 per violation. (S.510)

Transit Safety: Legislation that would allow the federal government to oversee transit safety has begun moving in the Senate, but its prospects in the House are not seen as good. The bill would create a certification program that would allow states to carry out their own safety programs, under certain conditions. (S.3015)

Mine Safety: Lawmakers in the House introduced mine safety legislation that backers say would help prevent accidents like the April explosion that killed 29 miners in West Virginia. Federal regulators would have additional power to shut down mines with serious safety violations. Industry groups and GOP members have come out against it saying it oversteps the bounds of government. (H.R.5663)

The Week Ahead: Congress is taking a July the Fourth break. The Senate and the House are scheduled to reconvene on Monday, July 12.

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