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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Senate Judiciary Committee has approved Elena Kagan's nomination to the Supreme Court...

Action Alert
from National Write Your Congressman

Elena Kagan's Supreme Court Nomination

The Senate Judiciary Committee approved Elena Kagan's nomination to the Supreme Court this morning, setting up a final confirmation vote by the Senate. The Senate will be voting on the Elena Kagan nomination before the chamber goes on its August recess. Solicitor General Elena Kagan was nominated by President Obama to replace retiring Justice John Paul Stevens on the Supreme Court.

Kagan, a former University of Chicago Law professor, is a Princeton University graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree in history and a graduate of Harvard Law School.

After graduating from Harvard Law, Kagan became a clerk for Judge Abner Mikva of the U.S. Court of Appeals and then clerked for Justice Thurgood Marshall of the U.S. Supreme Court, who nicknamed her Shortie.

Kagan taught law at the University of Chicago from 1995 to 1997, when President Obama was also a part-time faculty member. Kagan left in 1997 to work as Associate Counsel for President Bill Clinton.

Kagan became a visiting professor at Harvard Law School in 1999, before becoming a full-time professor of law in 2001.

Kagan was the Dean of Harvard Law School from 2003-2009.
After fellow Harvard Law alumnus Barack Obama won the 2008 presidential election, he nominated Kagan for the role of Solicitor General.

Since being named the first female Solicitor General last year, she's argued six cases before the Supreme Court.

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