I am a third generation Entrepreneur, Rotarian, Waterfed proponent and manufacturer, resident of Cedar Rapids, Iowa USA... I am a husband, father, brother, son, neighbor, Realtor® and Property Manager who resides in the Indian Creek Hills subdivision of our community. We are part of the Cedar Rapids community: Live, Work, Learn and Play. We are interested in networking, friendship, business, service and sport. Welcome to my blog and personal journal ...

Monday, August 30, 2010

Rotary News: BBB of Iowa speaking at Rotary Club of Cedar Rapids

Today's Rotary Club of Cedar Rapids meeting ...

Robin Tucker is planning to attend his Rotary Club of Cedar Rapids meeting...

Monday, August 30, 2010

Crowne Plaza Hotel at Noon

Today's Program:

Chris Coleman, Better Business Bureau

Friday, August 27, 2010

Local Prep Football kicks off locally on August 27Th ...

It was 26 years ago on the 27Th of August that I met my wife of 23 years. Today, 8/27/2010, high school football returns to Eastern Iowa ...

Washington Warriors vs. Prairie Hawks @ Kingston Stadium

News on the Warriors this preseason.

Monday, August 23, 2010

National Write Your Congressman: Action Alert for August 23, 2010 ...

Action Alert
Lift Cap on Social Security Payroll Tax

President Barack Obama believes that the first place to look to strengthen Social Security is the payroll tax system. Some are calling for the cap on the Social Security tax limit to be abolished. Currently the limit ensures that one stops paying Social Security tax after they've earned $106,800 in a year.

Supporters say that the cap on payroll tax should be lifted because millionaires and billionaires don’t have to pay beyond $106,800 a year right now. Opponents of this idea feel that those who make more than $106,800 annually should not be punished by paying more taxes and would pay far more than the benefits they would receive. Also, opponents argue, this would only patch the system’s finances for a few years, rather than solving the Social Security problem for good.

Are you in favor of lifting the cap on the Payroll Tax to help Social Security?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Have you had an opportunity to meet Mariannette Miller-Meeks in IA-2?

We want to invite you to take a closer look at an excellent person seeking to represent our District in Congress. Part of her message is Create Jobs, Cut Spending, Lower Taxes ...

Mariannette Miller-Meeks for Congress on Facebook. You can visit her web site too. She is a doctor, veteran and small business owner. Join us in supporting Miller-Meeks for Congress in '10.

Linn County Chair

Monday, August 16, 2010

Should the Tax Cuts End? If Congress doesn't do anything, they will end automatically ...

Tax Alert received from National Write Your Congressman ...


Monday, August 16, 2010

Decision Time: The Bush Tax Cuts
It’s been almost a decade in the making, but one of the more anticipated sessions of Congress is now upon us as we debate what to do about the so-called Bush tax breaks. Of course, what has significantly changed the debate is the state of our federal budget and the economy. But before most of us decide whether this is the time for a tax increase on some, none or all taxpayers, we need a reminder of what they are and how they may affect us.

A Broad List of Tax Cuts
Across the board tax cuts for earned income, long-term capital gains and dividends were enacted through two laws.* They allowed for additional exemptions, deductions, and a broader tax bracket for married couples, thus reducing the “marriage penalty.” An expanded child tax credit and other changes and adjustments were added to the tax code through these laws.*(Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act (EGTRRA) of 2001, and the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003. )

Personal Income Tax Rates
The chart below shows the current tax rates and what they will be if none are extended. The administration and some members of Congress are on record for allowing the lower rates to expire for the top two income brackets. Others feel that the current economic climate is not a good time to place higher taxes on a sluggish economy.

Income Taxes: (married filing jointly)

Current - Income Level - Scheduled Rate Next Year

  • 10% $0-$16,750 15%
  • 15% $16,751-68,000 15%
  • 25% $68,001-137,300 28%
  • 28% $137,301-209,250 31%
  • 33% $209,251-373,650 36%
  • 35% $373,651- and above 39.6%

Family Issues
Married persons received higher standard deductions and larger tax brackets as well as expanded child credit under the 2001 tax breaks. If allowed to expire, this “marriage penalty” would reduce tax brackets and the standard deduction for married taxpayers from their current rates. The child credit would decrease from $1,000 to $500. There is an element of a “hidden” tax inherent in allowing these provisions to expire in that they would, in reality, increase tax liability of married persons.

Capital Gains and Dividends
The maximum tax rate on long-term capital gains and qualified dividends were reduced to 15%. Lower income filers faced a 0% tax rate. If the provision expires, it would move the capital gains rate back to a maximum of 20%, and qualified dividends would resume being taxed at the regular tax rate of the filer, some as high as 39.6%. These rates are also slated to rise for some another 3.8% in 2013 as a result of the recent health care bill.

Capital-gains taxes:

Current - Income Level -Scheduled Rate Next Year
  • 15% Couples up to $250,000 20%
  • 15% Couples over $250,000 20%

The Estate Tax
One of the peculiarities of the 2001-03 tax cuts was to entirely eliminate the estate tax in 2010, then reset the rates to those in existence prior to 2001. Current debate centers on whether a compromise that will maintain exemption and tax rates similar to 2009 levels.

Estate Tax:

Current -Scheduled Rate Next Year
  • Rate 0% 55%
  • Exemption N.A. $1 million

See NWYC Action Alert to voice your opinion on these issues. Go to www.nwyc.com.

The information contained herein is general in nature and is not intended as legal, accounting or tax advice or opinion as provided by National Write Your Congressman. The reader should seek professional guidance prior to taking any action based upon this information. National Write Your Congressman shall have no obligation to inform the reader of any changes in tax laws or others which may affect the information provided. Thank you for being a responsible American; your voice is making a difference.

  • No family making less than $250,000 will see "any form of tax increase."
    "I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes." ~ Barack Obama

  • If Congress doesn't extend the Bush Tax Cuts: we will see a tax increase automatically, since the Bush Tax Cuts will sunset.

Obama budget lets Bush tax cuts expire - MarketWatch
Feb 1, 2010 ... Facing a gaping deficit but aiming to spur job creation at the same time, President Barack Obama's fiscal year 2011 budget would hit top ...

how-the-expiring-bush-tax-cuts-affect-you: Personal Finance News ...
Jul 7, 2010 ... The so-called Bush tax cuts are scheduled to expire at the end of the year. Although some of the cuts retain bipartisan support in Congress ...

How Will The Expiring Bush Tax Cuts Affect You? - Forbes.com
Jul 22, 2010 ... Find out which expiring tax cuts might cost you money if Congress doesn't extend them.

Robin Tucker

A push away from Limited Government and more government control into those who choose a small business lifestyle?

Today's hot political affairs topic, from a meeting we attended this morning is HR. 5297. Here's the update we received:

Update on IRS 1099 Reporting Requirement

Many of you may have seen an email from ASAE on the IRS 1099 Reporting Requirement. NAR (National Association or Realtors) has been working on this issue and wanted to provide you with a legislative update.

The health care legislation enacted earlier this year included a controversial and burdensome new requirement, effective in 2012, that would require all businesses to provide IRS 1099 information returns to any vendor (and to the IRS) when the business makes payments of more than $600 to the vendor in any calendar year. This 1099 reporting provision came out of nowhere in the final days of the health care debate.

No sooner was the ink dry on the bill itself than efforts began to repeal the new 1099 rule. Many REALTOR organizations are aware that ASAE is among the groups opposing the new rule. NAR has signed on to the ASAE letter to signal its opposition to the 1099 reporting requirement. When Congress reconvenes in mid-September, among the pending bills is a small business bill (HR 5297) that includes a modest tax title. (The bill has several non-tax provisions that NAR fully supports.) HR 5297 is expected to be brought up some time during the week of September 13.

When the Senate considers
HR 5297, there will be a two-part amendment procedure related to the 1099 requirement. The first part will be an amendment that would completely repeal the 1099 requirement. That effort is expected to fail. The second will be an amendment offered by Majority Leader Reid (D-NV) and Finance Chairman Baucus (D-MT) and others. That amendment would limit the application of the 1099 reporting requirement so that only employers with more than 25 employees would be subject to the 1099 reporting requirement. Further, only payments of more than $5000 would have to be reported. That amendment is expected to pass.

While the full repeal has broad support among ASAE members and in the small business community, we would anticipate that the 25 employee threshold would mean that most local boards and many state associations would be exempt from the reporting requirement. Similarly, the 25 employees threshold should provide adequate relief for most of our members. (Real estate sales agents are independent contractors, and so would not be included as employees of their respective brokers.) The $5000 threshold for reporting will also provide substantial relief to members and to associations.

At such time as HR 5297 (with some sort of 1099 amendment) achieves final passage in the Senate, it will have to go back to the House. The House version of the bill is substantially different from the Senate version. The House will then have two choices: It may simply pass the Senate version of the bill and send it on to the President, or it may request a conference between the House and Senate to reconcile their different versions of the bill. (Note that a conference would involve at least 4 different committees, so could be a cumbersome process.) We presently have no prediction of which option the House would choose. Congress plans to adjourn for the election on October 8. A post-election lame duck session has already been announced, so this 1099 issue may remain unresolved for a few months.

Note that the IRS has made public statements that it does not have adequate capacity to process all of the 1099s that would be filed if the health care bill's reporting requirement remains in the law as originally enacted. The IRS public statement should bolster the effort to eliminate or significantly narrow the application of the new reporting provision before it comes into effect in 2012

*** *** ***

HR 5297 Hits Turbulence in Senate‎ - National Underwriter Life and Health Insurance News
Backers of HR 5297, the Small Business Jobs Act bill, today had trouble getting the bill to the Senate floor. Members of the Senate voted ...
This bill will increase paperwork on the backs of an economy that is witnessing poor job growth, high unemployment and increasing strains on the American Dream and on Main Street.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Miller-Meeks volunteers work hard at Victory HQ tonight

Campaigns have a lot of work to do in July and August. Tonight, enjoyed an evening with other Miller-Meeks volunteers working the phones. We set a record statewide for number of calls made tonight. KCRG-TV spent a little time with Dr. Mariannette Miller-Meeks asking here questions on recent Federal legislation.

Issue discussed with Dr. Miller-Meeks with KCRG-TV:

Cutting food stamps to save teachers - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (blog)
I can see his point. It also seems hypocritical to cut food stamps at a time when First Lady Michelle Obama is in the midst of a campaign to improve diets ...
Congress Votes For School Funding, Cuts Food Stamps - ColorLines magazine
Dems getting heat from left over food cuts - DesMoinesRegister.com (blog)
Food Stamps Slashed to Pay for Teacher Jobs Bill - CBS News

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

New Handbook on Chess for Parents and Coaches has Iowa ties ...

A local Cedar Rapids resident's father has written the following book.

Publication Announcement
Chess Handbook for Parents and Coaches

By Ronn Munsterman

Hello family, friend, colleague, former colleague, someone I saw in the hallway, or you may be a person who kindly, maybe even interestedly, listened to me talk about my writing, or at least didn’t tell me to stop. Whoever you are, you’re among the first to hear about my new book:

I’m pleased to announce the publication of my non-fiction book: Chess Handbook for Parents and Coaches through CreateSpace.com, which is owned by Amazon.com. The book’s idea came from my wife, Berta, and is based on my years of coaching elementary through high school-aged kids. This book is for parents and chess coaches who want to teach children how to play chess and it also introduces and explains the sometimes bewildering world of chess. See the Description below for details.

I am self-publishing and therefore doing all of the public relations work myself. I’m asking for your help in spreading the word on this great book. I’m focusing primarily on internet PR and here’s your chance to help get a writer started with a global PR campaign! Writers can’t be shy about asking for PR help so . . .

How you can help

Would you consider sending this information on to your family, friends, colleagues, former colleagues, anyone you saw in the hallway, people you know who have children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews, and any chess players you know? Other places that would be a terrific help are Facebook and MySpace.

If you’re interested in buying the book (thank you!), the links to my CreateSpace e-store page and my Lulu storefront for the e-book version are below. The book should be available on Amazon about August 25th.

Whatever you decide, thanks for your time.

Should you like a signature for your copy, please reply to this email with your mailing address. I’d be delighted to send you a personalized signature plate.

With warm regards,


Chess Handbook for Parents and Coaches
By Ronn Munsterman

(212 pages – US Trade Paperback, 6” x 9”)
See the cover in the attached file: cover pic.jpg

Order the book from: https://www.createspace.com/3443146
Order the e-book (.pdf) – $8.95 from: http://stores.lulu.com/ronn_munsterman


Parents, do you want to teach your child to play chess, but don't know where to begin? Does your child want to learn to play chess, but you don't play? Does your child want to play in tournaments, but you don't know where they are?

Coaches, could you use a solid lesson plan, or information about starting and running a chess club, or tips on preparing players for tournaments?

The Chess Handbook for Parents and Coaches provides parents and coaches a proven method of teaching chess for kids. Whether you know how to play or not, this book guides you though the process of teaching chess to a child. In sixteen clear, and easy to follow lessons, Part One - Teaching Chess, shows what and how to teach all the way from learning the pieces' names to checkmate, including the rules your player(s) will need to know. Part Two - The Chess World, explains what goes on in chess, how tournaments work, how to coach players, from new to advanced, how to coach kids who are playing older kids, who the famous chess players are, and much more.

Parents and coaches will gain tips from an experienced, certified coach with insights into teaching chess and the chess world.

Order the book from: https://www.createspace.com/3443146
Order the e-book (.pdf) – $8.95 from: http://stores.lulu.com/ronn_munsterman
Visit the author’s website: http://www.ronnmunsterman.com/

About the Author

Ronn Munsterman is a Level I USCF Certified Coach with over seven years of coaching experience. His coaching philosophy is, first and foremost, that the game should be fun for the players and the coach. Known simply as "Coach," his students learn to play by all the rules of chess, learn sound chess fundamentals, and are challenged to grow stronger every week.

He first joined the United States Chess Federation in 1987. He is a member of the Iowa State Chess Association and a Life Member of the Missouri Chess Association. He organized and ran the Kansas City Corporate Chess Club from 1989 to 1991. From 1990 to 1995, Munsterman held several positions for the Missouri Chess Association, including Board of Directors, President, Editor - Missouri Chess Bulletin, and Membership Coordinator.

In 1994, Munsterman won the Missouri State Reserve Championship with a score of 4.5 out of 5. Munsterman began coaching when his son, Nathan, was in the first grade. He has coached players in grades 1 - 12. His elementary team from rural Troy, KS., won second place in two consecutive State championships, and one year won first place in six consecutive tournaments, all while competing against much larger schools. His players consistently placed in the top ten in Kansas Scholastic Chess Association tournaments, and won first place eight times. His top four players won the prestigious match-play Kansas City Cup twice, once in elementary, and once in middle school.

Munsterman currently coaches elementary and high school-aged players in Iowa where he lives with his wife, Berta.

Monday, August 9, 2010

The R&P Report for Monday, August 9, 2010 ...

Vol. 14 No. 2-25

Monday, August 9, 2010


Elana Kagan Confirmed: The Senate confirmed Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court as the 112th justice and the fourth woman ever to sit on the high court. The vote was 63 - 37. She is one of three women currently serving on the Supreme Court. She succeeds retired Justice John Paul Stevens.

$26.1 Billion Education, Medicaid Package: The Senate passed a $26.1 billion state-aid package that the House is set to consider this week. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has called House members back from summer recess to take action on the legislation aimed at preventing tens of thousands of public sector layoffs. Cuts to food stamps and a renewable-energy loan initiative were used to pay for the package. (H.R.1586)

Renewable-Energy Funds: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid promised that Congress will restore $1.5 billion rescinded from an Energy Department renewable-energy loan program to help pay for emergency education and Medicaid aid for states. “That money is just temporarily gone,” Sen. Reid said, referring to the funds used to offset the cost of the Senate-passed $26.1 billion state fiscal aid package .

Small-Business Bill: Senate Democratic leaders are urging action on a bill that would establish a $30 billion lending fund for small businesses and provide $12 billion in tax breaks, including some that have a much bigger impact in the next year or two by creating incentives for immediate investment. (H.R.5297)

Border Legislation: Senate Democrats unveiled a $600 million spending bill that they say is fully paid for by increases in visa fees. The bill would fund 1,000 new border patrol agents and call for acquisition and deployment of unmanned aircraft systems and construction of up to three Border Patrol forward operating bases along the Southwest border.(H.R.5875)

Aquatic Resources: The House passed a bill that directs the Secretary of the Interior to take specified actions regarding oil and gas royalties, including the formation of a pilot project assessing costs and benefits of automatic transmission of certain data produced under federal leases on the Outer Continental Shelf. (H.R.3534)

The Week Ahead: The House is expected to address an education, jobs and Medicaid assistance bill. The Senate is on August break. Both chambers are scheduled to observe a summer recess for the remainder of August and to reconvene on September 10.

*** *** ***

Local issues in the news:

If the City Council agrees with Mayor Ron Corbett’s request, the council will continue a practice put in place this summer and ...

Draw back? Meeting four times per month would likely reduce the length of each meeting and they would be more time efficient for all. Further, what impact does two meetings have on the consent agendas?

Wes Des Moines holds formal meetings twice a month, the article states. How many non-formal meetings are used in the community?

The recession has cut into travel, and that cut is showing up in decreased hotel and motel room rentals, as well as in the income cities receive from the 7 percent hotel-motel tax ...


Rotary Monday: Joan Hackbarth of Tanager Place is the Program ...

I joined Rotary International more than twenty years ago, after my father encouraged me to join. Downtown Rotary is one of the largest clubs in the State of Iowa.

Joan Hackbarth


  • An organization serving children and families since 1879

  • Children and families challenged by social and psychological needs

Robin Tucker

Friday, August 6, 2010

Do you support the Birthright Citizenship Act?

Action Alert

Birthright Citizenship Act
(H.R. 1868)

Lawmakers are considering legislation that would eliminate automatic citizenship for children born in the United States. The Birthright Citizenship Act (H.R. 1868) would amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to make it more difficult for children born in the U.S. to gain citizenship. Under the proposed legislation, a person born in the United States must have at least one parent who is a U.S. citizen/national, a lawful permanent resident alien whose residence is in the U.S., or an alien performing active service in the U.S. Armed Forces.

Supporters of this legislation say “birthright citizenship” encourages illegal immigration and makes enforcement of immigration laws more difficult. Opponents say the proposed law wouldn’t solve the illegal immigration problem and goes against this country’s traditions of welcoming immigrants.

Do you support the Birthright Citizenship Act?

Voice your opinion now!

We are looking forward to hearing what our members of Congress say on this issue. We support legal immigration, as our founding fathers and Americans have a strong history of supporting. We believe public safety and strong borders are a responsibility of all levels of government.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Will we lose access to part of Second Avenue in Cedar Rapids?

Our businesses are watching how a new development will impact our neighborhood in Downtown Cedar Rapids. We have been located at 613 Second Avenue SE, since 1969.

Skywalks an Alternative to Closing Second Avenue Won’t Work for PCI - KCRG-TV
CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa - Closing a stretch of Second Avenue SE is necessary to facilitate patient flow through the Physicians’ Clinic of Iowa’s proposed new medical “mall” at 10th Street SE and Second Avenue SE, the physicians group has said ...

The group and other representatives of the new Cedar Rapids Medical District are holding open houses: to discuss the Medical District as well as PCI’s plans to build the mall inside the district.

  • Wednesday, August 4Th from 4 to 7 p.m.

  • Thursday, August 5Th from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

  • Open Houses are in The Ballroom at the Crowne Plaza Five Seasons Hotel

Our businesses will be impacted, since our business location are located down steam from the proposed Medical Mall. For example, driving from NE neighborhoods, like the Daniels Park neighborhood, down Central Point Road NE to 13Th Street SE, we often cut down Second Avenue SE to return to our offices.

The ideal of cutting off vehicle, walking and bike traffic should always be carefully discussed, since it often has negative impacts on quality of life and functionality of neighborhoods, as well as the habits of people.

Robin Tucker

Monday, August 2, 2010

Big Ten Football kicks off during Media Day 1 in Chicago ...

Yes, I am a big College Football fan and I do follow all 120 FBS teams, but Big Ten football is where it all begins for me ...

Nuggets From Big Ten Media Day‎ - By The-Ozone Staff
CHICAGO — All 11 Big Ten football coaches took the podium ... coaches and media) Clay was not tabbed as the preseason favorite in 2010. ...

Plenty of news out of Chicago to check out.

Big Ten Conference Official Athletic Site - Big Ten Conference
The conference coaches met with the media during the first day of the 2010 Big Ten Media Days and Kickoff Luncheon. (full story) ...

During the off season I will pick up Phil Steele, Athlon's, Lindy's, the Sporting News college football previews. Now, August has arrived with Media Day and programs breaking fall camp for the kickoff of the 2010 College Football season on Thursday, September 2Nd.

The Hawkeyes will kickoff at Kinnick Stadium at 11 a.m. on September 4Th vs. the Eastern Illinois Panthers, a FCS program from the OVC. We plan to be at Kinnick for another great season of Hawkeye Football!

R&P Report for Monday, August 2, 2010 ...

Vol. 14 No. 2-24
Monday, August 2, 2010

Immigration Bill: Democratic members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus renewed their calls for a broad immigration overhaul bill, while Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), a former ally of Democrats on the issue, said he may introduce a constitutional amendment that would deny citizenship to U.S-born children whose parents are in the country illegally. (H.R.5875) To express your opinion on this issue, go to www.nwyc.com.

Energy Measure and Oil Spill Cap: The Senate is preparing a bill for floor action that includes language to hold oil companies liable for all economic damages stemming from any offshore spills they cause. It would eliminate the $75 million cap on economic liability for oil spills. (S.3472)

Small-Business Lending: The Senate stalled in its consideration of a bill that would create a $30 billion small-business lending fund, extend $12 billion in tax breaks and enhance federal programs designed to help small businesses. A stalemate over billions of dollars in domestic funding amendments left both sides frustrated. (H.R.5297)

Educating Seniors About Fraud: The House passed a $150 million bill that aims to educate senior citizens about financial fraud. (S.3494)

Tax Package and Health Care Law: A tax package was pulled from the floor after GOP members threatened to take steps that could change the health care overhaul enacted this year. The GOP motion would have repealed the provision that requires small businesses to file a 1099 form to the IRS for payments of more than $600 made to any vendor during a tax year. It goes into effect in 2012. (H.R.4849)

13 Counts Against Rangel: Rep. Charles Rangel will face a rare public ethics trial in September on charges that he violated House rules in his personal finances and fundraising.

Corporate Political Spending: A House committee approved a bill that would require corporations to give shareholders an annual vote on how much money to spend on political activities. The committee rejected a GOP amendment that would prevent the measure from being enacted until Congress enacts a bill requiring labor unions to obtain approval for their political expenditures and to disclose those activities to members. (

Financial Services and Generic-Drug Bill: A Senate committee approved a spending bill to fund the Treasury Department, the Small Business Administration and the Securities and Exchange Commission. The draft bill includes a provision that is expected to hasten enactment of a generic-drug bill that would prohibit brand name drug companies from compensating generic drug companies in order to delay the entry of a generic drug into the market. (S.369)


Abortion Policy Permanent Repeal in Spending Bill: Senate appropriators approved a $213 billion fiscal 2011 spending bill that includes language to permanently repeal a ban on abortion. The policy barred U.S. financial assistance to any organization that performs or promotes abortion. Repealing it allows assistance to be given to organizations that perform abortions. Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) offered the amendment. To express your opinion on this issue, go to www.nwyc.com.

START Treaty: Democratic lawmakers in the Senate are pushing for Republican support of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) that is being drafted. The treaty would require both the U.S. and Russia to reduce their strategic nuclear arsenals.

The Week Ahead: With the House out for the August recess this week, the Senate returns for one more week to vote on education jobs funding aid to states and the confirmation of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court.

Click here to view the R&P Report as a PDF

*** * ***

From a more local prospective, what are some of the public policy issues and concerns:

Is it time to eliminate gender to resolve the Marriage or Civil Union debate? From our Christian-Catholic prospective, we continue to view marriage as a sacrament between one man and one women. We can understand the interest in same-sex couples desiring civil unions, however, why not give it a name that defines each relationship? Instead, we have partner #1 and partner #2 in Iowa ...

Same-sex marriage issue focus of competing rallies - The Gazette

The Flood of 2008 is changing some of the landscape in our community ...

Escalators are going down in post-flood Cedar Rapids - The Gazette

The City of Cedar Rapids appears to want to close two blocks of Second Avenue SE, but at what cost to the City, the taxpayers and those who walk, bike and drive through this neighborhood?

Street system could cope with closed Second Avenue - The Gazette

New mandates by City and other changes to Chapter 29 bring lawsuit against the City ...

Landlords of Linn County suing Cedar Rapids over new rules - The Gazette

In closing, there is a new political organization getting started in the State of Iowa and the roots start in the City of Cedar Rapids and the fallout of the Flood of 2008.

Sunday, August 1, 2010